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How Are You Getting Away? classic car... stretch limo... horse-drawn carriage... sleigh... bicycle built for two ... golf cart... trolley...or tram... gondola... boat...

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It's your first dance as a married couple, a milestone to be sure, and you most want the song you choose to say who you are together ~ whether by way of being your song, a...

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If you read this blog regularly, then you know how much I love the simple accents that deliver a great BIG IMPACT. And reception decor is one of my favorite places to start...

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Here in Minnesota, we are reveling in some fabulous weather! I don't know about you, but especially during the first few weeks of warm, summer weather I want to spend as much...

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Want to create a colorful glow and a romantic ambiance with your centerpieces. This site has such great ideas for lighting options such as the floralights pictured below...

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Oh, how I love a great accessory! It's the "small" subtle pieces that truly create interest and complete the look and mood... Dress up your stemware with fun and stylish...

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Our reception was held here in the upper level of the Village Hall, a beautiful old building, built in 1888. Complete with creaking wood floors and high ceilings, the Village...

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Round or rectangle... I'm really warming to the idea that rectangular reception tables just might be better for intimate conversation. The person across the table is closer to...

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I attended an outdoor wedding last spring held at a rural camp in an absolutely gorgeous setting ~ miles of rolling hills covered with various green texture and dotted with...

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I just love the idea of guests personalizing ornaments for a Christmas wedding. I borrowed this image from Project Wedding ~ they're featuring a very lovely Real Green and...